"Poetry is thoughts that breathe, and words that burn." ~Thomas Gray

"Poetry unites." ~Anon

"Truth is such a rare thing, it is delightful to tell it." ~Emily Dickinson

Written by Karen Nowviskie
She lives in West Virginia, USA
Her blog: Keeping Secrets

O, Danny Boy

We climbed the rocks above the gorge
to have your party as you wanted.

The evening sun shone from the ancient
river like a fire encased in steel.

The air, sweet and cold, rang little
breath clouds as we sang your Irish song.

Anna, swaying as she sang, held to you as you
had held to her when she was still your child.

You didn’t mind the clinging; you seemed
in no great rush to go your way alone.

When finally it was time for you to leave, you faltered,
torn between falling back with us and flying free.

Just then, the wind picked up the tune, the trees
piped out your name, and we in silence watched

as you embraced the sky.

Posted with consent from the writer.


  1. Kat Mortensen said...
    This comment has been removed by the author.
    Kat Mortensen said...
    This is a brilliant poem and Karen continues to reveal a true innate ability with the poetic form.

    Kathleen Mortensen
    Gordon Mason said...
    What wonderful images of music and farewell.
    K.Lawson Gilbert said...
    I have to say I read this and see it all happening in slow motion...I feel the wind of the gorge and hear the eerie calls of the ghosts who linger there.

    Just then, the wind picked up the tune, the trees
    piped out your name, and we in silence watched

    as you embraced the sky.

    I am startled by and am in awe of these lines. My favorite poem of yours to date....love it. :)
    Margaret said...
    Oh! How I love that song "O, Danny Boy". My dad use to sing it to us as kids before we slept.

    Your poem is just awesome Karin. you've carved out an authentic scene with your lines.
    Like K., I too, could feel the wind of the gorge. I felt its cool chill across my cheek.
    I felt like an onlooker, hiding behind a rock, holding my breath while I watched the scene in awe.
    Karen said...
    Thank you, Kat. You are a true poet friend, and I appreciate your comment and support of my poetry.

    Gordon - Thank you so much.

    K - Thank you for your support and encouragement. Without your support, I wouldn't be writing at all. You can't know how much that means to me.

    Margaret - You have expressed exactly what I hoped you'd feel on reading this. Thank you for your kind words and for reading.
    joaquin carvel said...
    still love this - and happy to see you here!
    Catherine Vibert said...
    Oh look Karen! You are on Nancy's blog! I told you you were a great poet, and now you see that it is true. Love it still, and lovely to see you here.

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