"Poetry is thoughts that breathe, and words that burn." ~Thomas Gray

"Poetry unites." ~Anon

"Truth is such a rare thing, it is delightful to tell it." ~Emily Dickinson

Written by Susan Stewart
(From Red Rover, University of Chicago Press, 2008.)

the fox

Did we live lightly then?
Twice we’ve seen the fox,
the flash
of red that leaps
the weeds and brush, an after-
image gray,

then blank, then gone
delight cannot be sought
or pleasure thought
or joy re-caught
but twice we saw the fox, not once,
and knew his fear of us

Step in time, love, step in time,
live inside the morning
twice we saw the fox, not once,
and knew his fear of us

Posted with consent from with the writer.


  1. WHY? said...
    Is the fox supposed to symbolize the "flash" that is called our life? Well, that's my take on it, anyway.
    Lilie said...
    i really like your poems. they are very good. :)
    K.Lawson Gilbert said...
    then gone
    delight cannot be sought
    or pleasure thought
    or joy re-caught

    A beautiful poem - the fleeting joy of something wild!!
    Karen said...
    I especially appreciate the structure of the two voices and the use of this piece of wonder --
    "Twice we've seen the fox," -- to illustrate living.

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"Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words." ~Robert Frost

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