"Poetry is thoughts that breathe, and words that burn." ~Thomas Gray

"Poetry unites." ~Anon

"Truth is such a rare thing, it is delightful to tell it." ~Emily Dickinson

Written by Jimmy Santiago Baca
He lives in New Mexico, USA
His website: Jimmy Santiago Baca

Originally published in his book, Immigrants in Our Own Land
© 1977, 1979, 1981, 1982, 1990 by Jimmy Santiago Baca
(New Directions Publishing Corporation, 1990).

The County Jail

Men late at night cook coffee in rusty cans,
just like in the hills, like in their childhoods,
without rules or guidance or authority, their fathers
dead or wild as gypsies,
their mothers going down for five dollars.
These are the men who surface at night,
The sons of faceless parents,
the sons of brutal days dripping blood,
the men whose faces emerge from shadows,
from bars,
and they join in circles and squat on haunches,
share smokes, and talk of who knows who,
what towns they passed through;
while flames jump under the coffee can,
you see new faces and old ones,
the young eyes scared and the old eyes
tarnished like peeling boat hulls,
like wild creatures they meet,
with a sixth sense inside of them, to tell them
who’s real and who’s the game;
and their thoughts are hard as wisdom teeth,
biting into each new eye,
that shows itself around the fire.

The coffee is poured steaming hot into cups,
and the men slowly sip.
Shower stalls drip bleakly in the dark,
and the smell of dumb metal is inflamed
with the acrid silence, and once in a while,
a cab horn will sound from outside the windows,
and the man with only a cheek illuminated by the fire,
the rest of his face drenched in shadows,
will get up and leave the circle,
return to his bunk.

Posted with consent of the writer.


  1. christopher said...
    Thank you for your mission in finding this poetry. This one is remarkable for its presence.
    Anonymous said...
    Wonderful images within.
    Gordon Mason said...
    So much to take in here that I had to read it several times.....and I enjoyed it more each time.

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"Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words." ~Robert Frost

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